Parking Restrictions - The Old Carriageway
10th January 2022
The Parish Council is facilitating a meeting for interested Parishioners on Tuesday 18th January at 19.30 in the Pavilion Chevening Road to discuss parking restrictions around The Old Carriageway.
The Joint Transportation Board (an SDC and KCC Committee) agreed with the original petition signed by residents of the High St and The Old Carriageway that the lack of sight lines from parked cars was dangerous for cars entering and leaving the Old Carriageway and for pedestrians. KCC were tasked with coming up with a scheme to reduce that risk.
The initial solution devised by KCC was more extensive than most nearby residents felt was necessary and the Parish Council has been trying to gain agreement between residents of The Old Carriageway and the High St for an scheme which would both mitigate the dangers identified and cause the least disruption to parking in the High St. There is no guarantee that even if the extent of the parking restrictions is agreed by residents, that it will be acceptable to KCC, however if agreement can be reached the Parish Council feels this is a sensible way forward.
If you are attending the meeting, please wear a mask unless you have an exemption