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Chevening Parish Council

Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan

5th May 2022

Sevenoaks Urban Area Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP)

Sevenoaks District Council has commissioned Sustrans to provide a comprehensive Local Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the Sevenoaks Urban Area. The plan will detail potential walking and cycling routes to encourage the community and visitors to move more sustainably around the area. The development of the LCWIP includes an analysis of existing conditions, consultation with stakeholders and conducting an audit to develop recommendations and plans to use as the basis of funding bids.

To assist with the consultation process, Sustrans have developed a digital Community Mapping Tool for the public and stakeholders. Participants can comment on the map, identifying barriers to walking and cycling, as well as potential cycle routes and walking zones. The GDPR-compliant mapping software allows users to leave as many comments as they like, whilst identifying unique participants and other demographic data, to evidence engagement.

Users can identify the following on the interactive map:

• Physical barriers to walking, cycling and wheeling in the area e.g. major roads and junctions, railways

• Potential cycle routes that could connect key origins and destinations

• Potential walking zones where there is a high level of pedestrian activity e.g. high streets, schools, busy pedestrian crossings

If you would like to participate, please click on the link below.

Sevenoaks Walking and Cycling Network | Sustrans Community Mapping Tool

How to use the tool:

Step 1: Locate and click on the map where you would like to add a comment, then click ‘Add point,’ ‘Draw line’, or ‘Draw shape’.

Step 2: Log in with Google or Facebook or create a Community Mapping Tool account.

Step 3: Select the type of issue: ‘Barrier’, Potential Cycle Route’ or Potential walking zone’ and then add a comment/description if required. Click ‘Save.’

Step 4: Answer the optional user questions. Click ‘Save.’

That’s it! You can add as many comments as you would like. Responses are anonymous.

You can also view other’s comments. Click on ‘ Like this comment’ if you like/support a comment. There is an example comment provided near Sevenoaks Hospital.

Please feel free to share the map link with your network. The survey period will run until Friday 17th June 2022.

If you have any queries about the mapping tool, please don’t hesitate to contact Sustrans at the following email address luke.dawson@sustrans.org.uk

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Chevening Parish Council exists to provide local services to Chipstead, Chevening, Bessels Green and other rural areas within the parish.

Clerk to Chevening Parish Council
Judith Hayton

16 Beaconfields, Sevenoaks
Kent, TN13 2NH

Telephone: 07981 759255