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Chevening Parish Council

Update from Andy Clark - Chairman

25th March 2020

The Parish Council held an emergency meeting last week to decide on an appropriate response to the current crisis. There were various conclusions, and we had hoped to deliver them to residents via the Annual Letter and invitation to the Annual Assembly which is usually delivered about this time. That option is now no longer apposite, and I hope individuals will cascade this email onwards in its place. 

This statement should be read in conjunction with, or as a supplement to the District Council's statement, released yesterday Tuesday 24th March. Our response must be realistic, measured and flexible. 

1. To set some context, Chevening Parish Council is not going to attempt to take over any of the functions currently being carried out by District or National Government. This would not be productive, and would also run the danger of confusing residents. 

2. The PC is recognisant of and grateful for the various individual acts of community cohesion and self help groups being established. I note the groups on Facebook at 


and Neighbours at. https://m.facebook.com/groups/499964220882674?mul...

These are excellent initiatives to keep local people connected and I would encourage you to sign up to them. 

3. We see our role as largely an "umbrella", to monitor the situation as it develops, and to be able to step in to assist if and when necessary. We would not wish to interfere with any of the excellent help and support taking place between neighbours, but will be ready to step in when such an arrangement cannot continue e.g. when a resident who is assisting an elderly neighbour cannot continue as they have to go into self isolation. 

4. To that end, we are looking to collate a list of coordinators for each street and locality within the Parish, to alert us to the needs of any elderly or otherwise vulnerable residents who may have fallen outside the reach of the various self help groups being established. 

5. We are working in tandem with Charlotte Duvall, who has already begun assembling a list of coordinators, so if you are able to fulfil this role in your Street or Close, and have not informed Charlotte directly, please let our Parish Clerk know on clerk@cheveningparishcouncil.gov.uk. 

6. The Parish Council is able to access "Priority Shopping Times" at Tesco's, as well as to collect prescriptions on behalf of those unable to do so themselves. Further services may become available as and when the situation develops. 

7. Please have a look at the Parish Council Website from time to time, which is where we will post our updates. https://m.facebook.com/groups/499964220882674?mul...

Best, Andy Clark. 

(Chairman, Chevening Parish Council)

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Chevening Parish Council exists to provide local services to Chipstead, Chevening, Bessels Green and other rural areas within the parish.

Clerk to Chevening Parish Council
Judith Hayton

16 Beaconfields, Sevenoaks
Kent, TN13 2NH

Telephone: 07981 759255